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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Power of Association:

One day a kite’s flock flew over the ocean, after miles of flying they were not able to find a place to relax. Among them one kite felt she must lay her eggs soon but she could not find a safe place to lay them. In due course they found a continent where they saw chickens & felt that it must be a safe place to lay her eggs.
Finally the kite laid her eggs there and after laying all her eggs she flew away with the flock.
After some time she came back to the same place to take her young ones. She easily recognized their children among the chickens.
She told the children to fly with her, the children agreed as they recognized their mother and came towards her to fly with her, but none of the children could fly like the flock. The mother got worried as to why they could not fly. She checks their wings, legs & tail and found everything normal, she persuaded & coaxed them to try & fly again & again, but to no avail.
Eventually she realized her mistake of laying her eggs among the chicken and leaving them alone to fend for themselves.

Moral: The people that surround you influence your path, your attitude, your determination, and the outcome of your success.
